Saturday, September 29, 2012


We finished our apple week by dicing up our apples, throwing them into the crock pot and adding some sugar, water, cinnamon and nutmeg! Our room smelled SO good all day. It was a great treat to enjoy at the end of the day!


    029 030 031

    032 028 027


034 033


037 040 043

045 041 046


Here are some activities we did before the end of the week. We were very busy and very hard workers! I was so proud of everyone this week!!

Apple sequencing poem:

  049 050

Labeling the parts of an apple:


Apple Investigation: (weighing, measuring and observing our apples)

024 023


Bobbing for Apples: (Number Recognition)

            003 004

  007 006

  001 002

Johnny Appleseed Sentence Building:

     035 036

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Apple Tasting

This week has been all about APPLES!! We started the week off by doing some apple tasting and graphing. The students got to try 3 different kinds of apples: red, green and yellow. We compared the different tastes and then made a graph about our favorite. We used these apple trees to help us see who liked which kind.

apple graph

And then we used this graph on the SmartBoard to show which kind was the most liked and the least liked.

apply graph smartboard

He we are tasting the yummy apples!

  apple  tasting 3 apple tasting

  apple tasting 3 apple tasting 1

Yesterday we made an apple glyph after reading a silly story about a woman who flew all over the world to get ingredients for an apple pie. We talked about which way we like to eat our apples the best…most of us like pie!!!



apply glyph 1   apple glyph 2

apply glyph 3  apply glyph 4

Today we celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s birthday! We read many stories about his life and the important things he did. We made our own Johnny Appleseed drawings with an apple painted head!

   002         003         004



More fun to come the rest of the week!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fishing Day

It was a beautiful afternoon at the Fish Hatchery today. We listened to Charles talk about the Wetlands and what things live there. Then he showed us some some really neat reptiles and amphibians.

charles frog  Evan petting toad

keegan         girls petting                                           

Listening to Charles  listening

            me petting petting frog

After we did a great job of listening and petting the fish, salamanders and frogs we go to FISH!!!! We didn’t have much luck, but we had a LOT of fun. It was great to have some moms and dads helping out too Smile

       addison fish Jace and Dad Kartson fish

libby philip Max and dad

         reese fish libby and dad terrence

Thanks to everyone who came and helped us fish Smile It was our favorite part of the day and we learned a lot too!

Our class fishing