Then, we came back to our shared writing and wrote down FACTS (we learned that facts are something that is true) about what the job of the President is.
Here is our finished product!
After this, the kids got to decide what THEY would do if they were the President of the United States. They drew a picture of themselves and wrote their own sentence. They are so good!
On Tuesday we focused on George Washington and his life and came up with facts about him. We made our own George Washington faces and wrote down three facts so people can know more about him
Some of our facts:
1. He rode his horse to school
2. He married Martha
3. He was the first President
4. He led an army
On Wednesday we celebrated our flag by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, looking at a map of the country it represents (The United States) and talking about the design of the flag. We made our own flags to help us remember what is on the flag. 50 stars and 13 stripes!
On Thursday we learned about Abe Lincoln and attempted to make our own life size Abe’s! However, with the early out we were crunched for time and it was completed way too quickly! I am sure you saw them in your child’s Friday Folders
We had a busy, fun week learning about the Presidents and how important they were/are to us.
This week: DINOSAURS! I am SO excited!!
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