Monday, March 19, 2012


Wow! Thursday we finished our three week unit on dinosaurs! We learned SO MUCH! We focused on learning the characteristics of the Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops and T-Rex.  The students did a number of writings and drawings on each dinosaur as well as some fun projects! Here are some pictures of everything we did:

Brachiosaurus Report. We wrote down facts about the brachiosaurus and drew a detailed picture of what it looked like. The kids loooovvveeeddd pretending they were scientists with their clipboards researching the brachiosaurus.

Brachiosaurus report

brachiosaurus report 2

Here are our triceratops projects. We followed directions to put the triceratops together and then wrote down facts about him.

tri report 3     tri report 4      triceratops report

Dinosaur Glyphs

triceratops making dinos 2

ava triceratopsmaking dinos

Roll-A-Dino. The kids got into partners and used the dice to roll and add. Whatever number their sum was is the number the colored. GREAT math practice for them and it was a lot of FUN!

Roll A Dino  Roll A Dino 2

Roll a Dino 3 Roll A Dino 4

Roll A Dino 5 Roll A Dino 6

Charles came to visit and talked to us about fossils. He showed us many types of fossils that had been found and even made the kids guess what some of them where! Then we got to make our own fossils!

Charles Charles 2

Making our fossils!

fossils 3  making fossils

making fossils 3  making fossils 4

This morning we were paleontologist and we uncovered the play-doh from our fossils!

The last thing we did was make an environment for our favorite dinosaur to live. We had to think of a heat source, a food source and a water source.  The first step involved planning it out on paper.  The next step was painting our diorama blue for the sky and brown for the ground. After that dried, we were finally able to add the details to our diorama. The kids did a great job of making it look real and including all of the things their dinosaur needed to survive!

dioramas making dioramas

dioramas 5 dioramas 1

dioramas 2 dioramas 4

We had such a fun time learning about dinosaurs! This week we are learning about Spring and rain! Lots of fun pictures to come!

Have a great week!

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