Monday, September 23, 2013

Fun on the Farm

A lot has happened in Kindergarten since my last post! We spent the last two weeks learning about the farm and making our own Farm Fact Books! I can't wait for them to bring them home to show you. We have been learning more letters, solving more math problems and writing great stories! 

We completed our first math unit and took an assessment to see what we remembered from our learning! Ten frames and counting sets and writing how many were big components of this unit. Now we are starting to focus on numbers and how to represent a number in different ways. This is what we came up with for the number 2:

We also introduced a new math choice...MATH TECHNOLOGY!! We are learning one game at a time, but the kids are excited to FINALLY be using the IPads. :)

Language Arts:
We are over halfway through the alphabet in reviewing the letters. We continue to meet our new letter friends, practice writing the letters as well as recognizing the letters and knowing their sounds. Along with this, we have been learning about the parts of a book (cover, author, illustrator) and concepts of print (reading left to right, top to bottom, the meaning of a period, and the difference between letters and words.) This week we are reviewing ALL those concepts and making sure we understand them and can put them into practice. We have been trying these new concepts while we read our poem of the week. Listen to last weeks poem: At the Farm!

Writer's Workshop:
We have started to learn about the "setting" and the "characters"in a story. This is important to add in our writing because then people know where the story they are reading takes place and who the story is about. This week we are learning how to share our writings with a partner at the end of writer's workshop and how to give someone feedback on their writing. We will have a celebration of ALL or writings at the end of the week and start out new unit next week. Here are some of our writings from the past couple of weeks:

The focus of our farm unit was animals and what they give us. Each day we talked about a different animal and read non-fiction books that gave us many important facts about them. We made a class chart of all the information we learned as well as our own fact book. During this unit we also learned about the difference between fiction and non-fiction stories. The kids picked up on it so quick! Whenever I read a story now someone is always quick to tell me what kind it is: fiction or non-fiction. It is fun to see them learning and remembering! Here are some of the stories we compared fiction to non-fiction:


On the last day we took a trip to the farm!!! (kind of.) We took a virtual reality tour to a vegetable farm, a chicken farm and a dairy farm! It was neat to see how everything we have been learning about comes together on a farm and what different machines/buildings/people are used for. 

This week we are learning all about APPLES! This is one of my favorite weeks because Friday ends with delicious smelling applesauce baking in the crock pot all day long!

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