This week we learned about ten frames! Here is a cool ten frame game we played this week if you want to practice with your child at home!
The students learned that ten frames ALWAYS have ten boxes and it’s another tool to help us practice numbers. I have been showing them ten frame flashcards and they have been doing their best to say how many dots they see as quick as they can. Another activity we tried used a blank ten frame mat and linking cubes. I showed the students a number and they had to put that many linking cubes on their ten frame mat. They are really getting the hang of it and we will continue to work on it this week. We also continue to work on writing our numbers, working on math games quietly by ourselves and solving math problems. Here are a few examples of our problems from the week:
Language Arts:
We continue to meet new letter friends each day. This week we met: Dana Dolphin, Edie Elephant, Frankie Frog and Gerdie Giraffe. We get to watch their videos and see where they live, what they eat and what they look like in real life. This is also helping us remember the letter names and what kinds of sounds those letters make. They are doing a great job of learning how to write the letters and looking for those letters in their names! We use this name chart everyday and compare letters in each others names.
We continue to meet new letter friends each day. This week we met: Dana Dolphin, Edie Elephant, Frankie Frog and Gerdie Giraffe. We get to watch their videos and see where they live, what they eat and what they look like in real life. This is also helping us remember the letter names and what kinds of sounds those letters make. They are doing a great job of learning how to write the letters and looking for those letters in their names! We use this name chart everyday and compare letters in each others names.
We talked about the "red letters" in our names, which are also called VOWELS! Vowels help other letters make words. :) Along with learning our letters, we are also learning how to read books quietly by ourselves and this week we will start talking about the parts of a book and the correct way to use/read them.
Writer's Workshop:
The students were SO excited to bring their writing folders home for the weekend to share their stories with you. They have been working very hard on their writing "stamina." This means working quietly in one spot for the ENTIRE writing time. We continue to get better at this and I love "reading" all of their stories. Please take the time to go through each story with your child and allow them to "read" their stories to you. This week we will be learning about making our writings better by adding a setting and characters that look real.
We finished our unit on names and we are looking forward to learning about the farm the next two weeks! We had a lot of fun last week reading Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom! and making our own coconut tree with the letters in our name.

We also read all the "Miss Nelson"books. It was fun to make Miss Nelson to remind us of the rules of school and how we act when we are in class. Friday we read/sang Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes. We did a guided drawing (I draw, they copy what I draw onto their own paper) and the kids did FANTASTIC! Their Pete the Cats turned out so good! They will be proudly hanging up in our room to remind us that when we are at school, everything is alllll goooood!
Important Reminders:
-Wednesday is our first Early-Out day. The students will be dismissed at 1:45. If their regular transportation plans are different on this day, please remember to let me or Dana know so we can send your child to the right spot!
-A green and blue polka dot bag will be coming home in your child's backpack if they are the "show and share" friend. Please remember to have them bring something special to them to share with the class.
-Please return the Writer's Workshop folders and Friday Folders with your student on Monday.
We also read all the "Miss Nelson"books. It was fun to make Miss Nelson to remind us of the rules of school and how we act when we are in class. Friday we read/sang Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes. We did a guided drawing (I draw, they copy what I draw onto their own paper) and the kids did FANTASTIC! Their Pete the Cats turned out so good! They will be proudly hanging up in our room to remind us that when we are at school, everything is alllll goooood!
-Wednesday is our first Early-Out day. The students will be dismissed at 1:45. If their regular transportation plans are different on this day, please remember to let me or Dana know so we can send your child to the right spot!
-A green and blue polka dot bag will be coming home in your child's backpack if they are the "show and share" friend. Please remember to have them bring something special to them to share with the class.
-Please return the Writer's Workshop folders and Friday Folders with your student on Monday.
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